Solving Problems with Style

Welcome to my projects page, where I showcase my passion for solving complex problems with a touch of style. From coding to investing, each project represents a unique challenge that I've tackled with creativity and a willingness to push the boundaries of what's possible. Whether you're here to get inspired or to contribute your own ideas to the mix, I invite you to join me on this journey of innovation and discovery. Together, we can solve problems with style and create a better world for all.

  • MundoCognitivo

    Empowering businesses with AI solutions, education, and cutting-edge innovations.

  • Sailova

    A yacht reservation platform that allows users to easily book a charter boat.

  • HotelLibro

    Streamline hotel reservations with Airtable, multiple views, and popular calendar sync.

  • xBacked

    A DAO creating a decentralized, crypto-backed stablecoin, xUSD, on the Algorand blockchain.

  • VCF Plotein

    A web app for clinical interpretation of genetic variants from exome sequencing.

  • CarreraUniversitaria

    A web application for finding universities and career options in Mexico.